
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Focus on Personal Finance (The Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin Series in Finance, Insurance and Real Estate)

Focus on Personal Finance (The Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin Series in Finance, Insurance and Real Estate)Focus on Personal Finance is a brief, 14-chapter book, covering the critical topics in Personal Finance courses. This 4-color, paperback text is designed and written to appeal to a range of ages, life situations, and levels of financial literacy.
A unique aspect of this text is its active approach. This text will not only get your students thinking about their current situation and financial goals, but also to put these in writing to use as a guide and revise over the course of their lives. The more a student involves themselves in the assessments, exercises and worksheets provided, the more they will discover about their current habits and how to improve them for greater financial freedom.
Students have many different financial goals, but none are more important than having a basic understanding of financial issues and peace of mind with regard to their decisions. The ultimate goal of Focus on Personal Finance is to get students to this point as a first step to achieving the many financial goals they have set for themselves.

Click here to buy from Amazon

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tax Defaulted Properties - Why Aren't YOU Investing in Them?

If you aren't investing in tax defaulted properties... why not?

Investing in property is a great way to get rich. But to be as successful as possible, you'll need to know the right properties to buy - before you make a bunch of mistakes. And of course, we're talking about tax defaulted properties. Tax foreclosures beat every other type of property for a couple of reasons.

Let's start with the mortgage. Tax defaulted properties usually don't have one! If a mortgaged property goes tax delinquent, the mortgage company will pay the taxes. So when you buy a tax foreclosure, usually all you have to pay is the taxes and it's free and clear. These properties hold the greatest potential for huge profits. No mortgage means that all the equity in the property - however much it's worth - is yours for the taking.

If you know the right time to go after it, tax defaulted property is also the cheapest to buy - the other big reason you should focus on it. The back mortgage payments alone on a mortgage foreclosure could cost you more than the entire purchase of a tax foreclosure. Tax properties, on the other hand, can often be gotten for less than the cost of your average night out on the town with a couple of rowdy friends. How DO you get a tax defaulted property for such a small amount? If you're imagining the auction block at tax sale... think again.

No - you'll want to buy without buying at tax sale - and after someone else has already "bought" the property. If you wait until the very end of the redemption period, you will find a set of owners you definitely want to buy from. They aren't going to redeem, and they're just letting the property go. Want their deeds? Just ask for them. Most of these owners are glad to get rid of it. Offer $200 for their time in signing the documents.

Investing in foreclosures using the technique above is extremely profitable, and limits risks you'd otherwise have to take on at the tax sale. There aren't any good excuses for not getting involved - you have the ability to do this. It's a no-brainer that your likelihood of succeeding is high - just like the number of foreclosure properties right now. Don't let the profitable inventory of tax defaulted properties in YOUR area get away!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Darryl Kraemer's Investment Property Calculator

You don't have to lose money on your Real Estate Investing Deals any longer. I've developed a tool just for you that quickly shows you exactly what a potential Real Estate investment will do. Affiliate Tools: http://bit.ly/bM8DLC

Check it out!

Fundamentals of Investments w/S&P card + Stock-Trak card (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin Series in Finance, Insurane and Real Estate)

Fundamentals of Investments w/S&P card + Stock-Trak card (Mcgraw-Hill/Irwin Series in Finance, Insurane and Real Estate)Fundamentals of Investments was written to: 1. Focus on students as investment managers, giving them information they can act on instead of concentrating on theories and research without the proper context. 2. Offer strong, consistent pedagogy, including a balanced, unified treatment of the main types of financial investments as mirrored in the investment world. 3. Organize topics in a way that makes them easy to apply--whether to a portfolio simulation or to real life--and support these topics with hands-on activities.
The approach of this text reflects two central ideas. First, there is a consistent focus on the student as an individual investor or investments manager. Second, a consistent, unified treatment of the four basic types of financial instruments--stocks, bonds, options, and futures--focusing on their characteristics and features, their risks and returns, and the markets in which they trade.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Benefits of Using a Sydney Buyer's Agent

Sydney, Australia is a huge city! If you are planning on moving there, the fastest and most hassle-free way of finding somewhere to live is going through a Sydney Buyer's Agent. These are the professionals that know the area, what property is really worth, and whether you are getting what you really want from a seller.

Sydney has literally thousands of immigrants coming to live there each year. Because of the rapid population growth, real estate in Sydney has had to adapt. The Sydney Metropolitan Strategy plan is demanding that large infrastructure be built near convenient amenities like schools and stores in order to accommodate the incoming population. This makes Sydney a great place to live because housing is available near essential facilities and in close proximity to employment opportunities. The Sydney Metropolitan Strategy is also a financially sound concept - the economy is fed with more people buying from and working in businesses, and because of the large amount of new infrastructure being built, it is possible to live close to everything that's important to you including schools, shopping, hospitals, etc.

Buyer's Agents in Sydney know the businesses erecting these infrastructures - and who the reliable ones are. The biggest benefit of using a Buyer's Agent in Sydney is that they understand the area inside and out. They know where all the businesses are and what neighborhoods are best suited for their clients. In your initial meeting, describe your needs to your agent. What do you do for work? What kinds of places do you absolutely need to live near? What is your budget? What must your housing include in terms of number of rooms, appliances, utilities, parking, and other amenities? How many people are you living with? An agent will try their best to find a place well-suited to your needs. They will search primarily for listings that accommodate your budget and location needs. Because they know the neighborhoods, they will be sure to find a safe one for you. If you are a student looking for a place to live, an agent will find you affordable housing in a neighborhood that is popular for certain university students. If you are part of a family that seeks a house, a buyer's agent will be sure to find one near a school. Sydney is such a large city that it can be overwhelming looking through listings, contacting sellers, and inspecting homes yourself. Or if you are not currently living in Sydney, it is difficult to locate and inspect homes before making your decision. A Buyer's Agent knows the city and will rule out any properties that are in a less-than-ideal location, are out of your budget, or are from an unreliable seller.

Living in any major city is expensive, and no one should have to pay more than they are required to. Buyer's Agents in Sydney know how much property in certain neighborhoods is really worth. They can run comparative market reports to compare property you are interested in to similar properties all over Sydney. Comparative market reports are useful in making certain you are not paying more than what the property is worth. They can also help you find deals on better homes!

You will have to pay a fee when you use the services of a Buyer's Agent, but it is worth the extra cost! A Sydney Buyer's Agent knows the city inside and out. Their knowledge will ensure that you find a home within your budget, in a great location, that fits all of your personal and work-related needs!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Downloadable Real Estate Forms

Investment & For Sale By Owner Contracts And Forms. 50%.

Check it out!

Guide To Buying Your Dream Home - Learn all the things you will need to do before buying your dream home! (92 Pages) AAA+++

Guide To Buying Your Dream Home - Learn all the things you will need to do before buying your dream home! (92 Pages) AAA+++Discover The Radical New Way Of Buying Your First Home Without Making Any Mistake With The Insider Guide To Show You How To Smooth Up Your Buying Process For Your Dream Home!

If you seriously want know how to buy your dream home with the right information, then this may be the most important letter you'll ever read! It doesn't matter, if this is the first time you are trying to experience on buying your first home, then this golden guides will show you every right steps you will need to take to successfully buying your dream home!

Most first time homeowners are bombarded with questions, rightly so. Questions like,

* Should you buy a new or older home and does it really matter?

* Which home is the best for your family, and how do you decide that?

* How can you distinguish a safe and clean neighborhood from a threatening one?

* Will the value of your home improve with time, and if not where do you move?

* Are their community bylaws you must adhere to, and if so what are they?

* Do you have to arrange garbage pick up, or will the city take care of it for you?

* Are there advantages of living in the country vs. living in the city?

The list goes on and on. Buying a new home is a major life-changing event for most people. It’s hard to find all the information you need about a home in a single location. You could spend hours on the Net looking for information on home buying. You could spend even more time interviewing or meeting with real estate agents. In a sea of agents however, finding someone capable of working for you and with you is challenging.

Fortunately, you’ve come to just the right place to learn everything there is to know about buying a new home. This new breakthrough guide is a result of years of searching, studying and scouring hundreds of websites, stores, and magazines. Learn everything there is to know about buying a house for the first time, and secure your family’s future.
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